Jaap Pels

Jaap Pels

Jaap Pels KennisKlussen | KnowledgeWorks, The Netherlands It seems obvious knowledge is relevant for development. But so is trust, respect, innovation, co-creation, learning, money, (information) technology and a plethora of other conditions and intangibles. What’s...
Courtney S. Roberts

Courtney S. Roberts

Courtney S. Roberts Principal and Founder, Moonshot Global, USA While knowledge has always been at the core of global development work, there has been a shift over time from the belief that expert knowledge transferred and disseminated can yield change and spur...
Franciso Javier Carillo

Franciso Javier Carillo

Francisco Javier Carillo President, World Capital Institute, Mexico That Knowledge constitutes the most important basis for development is a widely held proposition, one often introduced in political discourse. The millenary idea of associating human improvement to...